Let's try it with a different equation of state, that isn't quite as simple as the ideal gas case.
So let's take our one model that we keep going back to Equation of state, and just see how it works.
For real gases, there's a whole bunch of equation the states that you can find in textbooks, and I'm just going to go through a few of them.
Or, if we know the equation of state from a model, ideal gas, van der Waal's gas, whatever, u now we can determine u.
And you can find these compressibility factors in tables. If you want to know the compressibility factors for water, for steam, at a certain pressure and temperature, you go to a table and you find it.
So from measured equation of state data, or from a model like the ideal gas or the van der Waal's gas or another equation of state you know this.
for real gases. This is an equation of state for an ideal gases.
So again, if you do a calculation where you're close enough to the ideal gas and you need to design your, if you have an engineer designing something that's got a bunch of gases around, this is a useful thing to use.
Remember the equation of state for Van der pV=nRT Waal's gas is not pV is equal to nRT, but p plus the attraction term.
In this case, V = /P. Have two quantities and the number of moles gives you another property. You don't need to know the volume. All you need to know is the pressure and temperature and the number of moles to get the volume.
Minus p, right? But in fact, if you go back to the van der Waal's equation of state b here's RT over v minus b.