You have salt on top, and you have titanium on the bottom.
So there's this guy with this helmet, it must weigh--I'm trying to think.
We can see we have these low pitches, What did I just sing?
.. So, why didn't somebody think of-- you're sitting there with your child playing with a wheeled toy and then you're going out to carry some heavy stuff and you're dragging it along the ground.
Because of this my mother used to make Jell-o that had fruit suspended in it, and the fruit doesn't sink to the bottom like you'd expect it to sink through water, but it stays suspended inside.
And if you haven't yourself dived into your own problem set zero, whose PDFs are available online, realize that if something like this, given that it's a minute or so long, kind of looks you know, despite the cutesiness of it, kind of overwhelming in that you don't really know where to begin, how could you possibly sketch out this whole story line.
She is a PhD candidate in the department of music, just passed her qualifying exam with flying colors, so here she is to demonstrate the bassoon for us, lowest member of the woodwind family.