Adiabatic meaning there's no heat involved, and we're going to see how that differs from the isothermal expansion and compression.
Number one, beauty pageants are not all that different from regular sporting contests.
Why call attention not so much to the difference between "few love her" and "none praise her" as the notion that none praise her?
If they're paying me by sending money and calling it a dividend it's the same as if they say they're repurchasing my shares.
This isn't simply a distinction without a difference.
racial or ethnic characteristics that distinguish the natural slave from the natural master.
It's not as though there aren't important differences between different physical objects.
Marsden was not too different from you.
And my guess is that if we did taste tests with all you guys of all the popular bottled waters, very few people could probably pick out Evian from any other water.
And we talked about this before--that classical music, probably eighty-five percent of it, does not involve a text, and that's a whole different ballgame because then you have to communicate meaning in a completely different sort of way.
It is an impressive number, it is very, very large, but it doesn't make a difference.
This is a distinction which is not meant sort of counter-intuitively to suggest that somehow or another, as opposed to what we usually think, writing precedes speech--not at all.
While the New Critics, in a variety of ways, insist that form is meaning, form is content and so on, they're still not really breaking down the distinction between form and content.
Deconstruction calls into question the distinction between language and thought in calling into question the distinction between signifier and signified, even though, as Derrida says, it can't do without a Saussurian vocabulary.
And when we're looking at the probability density graphs, it doesn't make a difference, it's okay, It has no meaning for our actual plot there, because we're squaring it, so it doesn't matter whether it's negative or positive, all that matters is the magnitude.