It's on the market, very popular in terms of your choices right now as an option as an anti-depressant.
I think a lot of people, who in their own journey have found their way, healing from, from life.
In the ancient world,actually,it would've sounded familiar, because there are other stories of other kinds of teachers who'd healed and exorcised demons and performed miracles.
Because the child who is dying because you are not treating the child might die slowly over days or weeks depending on the child's condition, obviously.
A Freudian analysis, of course, is lying on a couch; does not see their therapist; their therapist is very nondirective.
The same with cognition and we will talk a lot about it when we talk about CBT-- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
So, for example, you might be familiar with Wellbutrin here, this is a type of anti-depressant that a lot of people use right now that are taking anti-depressants.
And that allows the dentist to improve your gums, which avoids more pain down the road.
Again, a therapy of the soul that brings peace and contentment and a kind of justice.
And you can use this tissue engineered skin to treat a patient who's had severe burns, for example, or a diabetic who's developed ulcers that won't heal.
I'm going to present you one of the most dramatic examples we've seen of differences in brain activations in these areas, and how these differences can be remedy.
and that really challenged me to find other ways to assess their pain or what they needed.
so we are actually trying to develop a compound to treat a very severe form of autism,
But I focus more on the healing aspect of yoga as opposed to the physical fitness.
Most of you have read Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, and you should recognize that her treatment of in Mrs. Dalloway is a treatment of a traumatized war victim.
Then, there came along the AIDS crisis in South Africa, and the American AIDS drugs were hugely expensive, far more than could be afforded by most Africans.
by, you know, curing the sick and making them, like actually seeing them get better,
He walks around with his wife, and he's, like, you know, medicated.
And so they make a decision essentially to allow the child to die through non-treatment.
He's exorcising demons,performs a few miracles,he heals people.
And this panic attack screws worse and worse until he saw a therapist who ended up describing in medication.
Well, I talked about the problem of using plasmids in gene therapy, that it's very difficult to get them into cells.
You wanted to be finding the cure for cancer, but you're not actually finding the cure for cancer.
And some medications of schizophrenics they take can make this worse So the typical, so call typical neuroleptics can exacerbate the symptoms.
For Plato, philosophy was in the first instance, a therapy for our passions in a way of setting limits to our desires.
One of the things I was training was a course called mindfulness meditation, which was developed in the medical school affiliated to Massachusetts, they've done a lot of research on it in terms of helping people with disease, and stress-related disease.
Yeah, it's an anti-psychotic drug, some people with bipolar disorder even today still take it, it works really well for some people, for other people it doesn't work so well.
Another example of using this technique is to produce therapeutic proteins from cloned DNA and I'm going to describe this one.
And now we aim to try to help provide new treatment for these severely disabled patients.