• Fatty acid chains are fat molecules, they behave, if you have a lot of them in solution like oil.


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  • They're stuck to a surface that's provided by the environment that's around them, they're not swimming free in solution.


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  • Jell-o is just a hydrated solution of collagen and it contains a lot of water.


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  • You turn on your lamp, it happens pretty fast because current can flow very quickly through wire or through a charged - a solution of ions.

    你打开灯 灯马上就亮了,电流可以迅速通过,电线或者带电荷的--电解质的溶液

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  • Proteins have three dimensional structures in solution and their structure determines what they do.


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  • Even if that beaker had all the nutrients that skin cells needed they wouldn't survive very well in solution, they tend to need to be stuck to a surface in order to survive.


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  • You've probably seen agar plates, if you smear a solution that's contaminated with bacteria on it, then that bacteria will grow on this agar rich medium and you'll get many, many copies of the bacteria that you've smeared at low density onto the plate.


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  • You can use PCR for fingerprinting as well, for looking in some unknown fluid for example, is a gene that I'm interested in there?


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  • The answer is it will want to reform with itself, and if I have these in solution then how many reform with itself and how many reform with the molecule I'm interested probably depends on the relative concentrations of both in the solution and what conditions I have it at.


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  • If I had a beaker sitting on the table here and it contained a million blue double stranded DNA molecules and a million red double stranded DNA molecules and I heated it up and added a little base, I'd soon have four million individual strands just floating around in the solution because I've broken up this hydrogen bonding and the DNA molecules fall apart.

    假如我这里有一个烧杯 里面,盛有一百万条蓝色DNA双链和,一百万条红色DNA双链,然后我稍微加热一下烧杯,并且加一些碱,很快我就有了四百万条DNA单链,漂浮在溶液里,因为我已经使得氢键断裂,DNA双链也随之打开

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