So, let's go back to the thrilling days of the end of the 19th century, and just take stock.
But I'm very excited because I'm going to work on a film in August about World War One, which is very exciting.
That's why people are so excited about embryonic stem cells because in nature they become all the cells of the body.
The reason it is so exciting that it's a protein, and it's a protein, this is the structure here, it's a ribbon structure so you can kind of see what it looks like, it's made up of all natural amino acids.
That's where we get this rousing line, "New Presbyter is but Old Priest writ Large."
I'm really thrilled with who we have on our program today.
And his structural device that he mingles with the romance, on the one hand, and the flurry of the elements of thriller on the other hand.
I don't hear most of it. But there are moments, and they're moments that give me pleasure when I can say, "Oh,yeah. That's what he's doing there."
As a closing remark, you can express your excitement at finally being able to see your loved one after such a long absence.
This course stands out as one of the more unique " and stimulating courses I've taken at Yale."
They didn't know I was going to ask them the question, so I think they are really thrilled when they see their kids making it.
That can be a really fun and exciting part of the course.
My families are very excited to be back here.
When you walk in, a hush falls over your soul and your body starts to tingle,
and you've got the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben and all sorts of exciting things.
As your record shapes itself an awed wonder haunts you, and yet there is no more exciting an adventure than trying to be honest in this way.
I'm sorry if I sound a little bit like Billy Phelps, but I do get excited. He quotes the passage from Macbeth.
It's more exciting than your kids.
In Westwood sometimes we get to see Ferraris and exciting, exotic cars like that
It is exciting, it's fascinating and I wanted to be a part of that.
I thought that would be exciting because Columbia, being a smaller school,
I'm an organic chemist, so I love carbon, it's one of my favorite atoms to talk about, but it would be nice to get to the point of bonding and even reactions to talk about all the exciting things we can think about once we're at that point.
There are two classes, two broad classes of drug sort of type ligands that are defined, agonists and antagonists.
Now, the first application tends to not be quite as exciting as, for example, all the other organisms people have put it in since then you can have flies, you see transgenic mice that are glowing green with this GFP.
Of course, more generally, you get excited, your heart goes pitter-pat, when your girlfriend or boyfriend says they love you.
This is an exciting week in science in general because we got to hear another Nobel Prize every morning pretty much. So, let's settle down for a second and start listening.
An agonist is a substance that mimics the action of a natural ligand, and I show you a couple of examples of agonists here.
We've identified many drugs that stimulate insulin receptors, for example, but they're not exactly insulin, and those can potentially be used as agonist type drugs.
And that makes it for me a very exciting time to study this because the problems aren't solved in the way that bridge building is largely a solved problem now.