People exposed to death primes become more nationalistic, more patriotic, less forgiving of other people, less liking of other races and people from other countries.
I sat there. It was during the Patriot's Day, no, the President's Day weekend, sitting here Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, stacks of them going: yes, no, hell no.
But even if you're totally nation-centric and even if you were only concerned with the United States, you still have to know what's going on around the world.
I think they're much... I think it's interesting that they're very patriotic.
He remained a fanatically Russian patriot, the father of his people.
Or tickets to the Patriots or to the Red Sox.
You can find a whole- you can sort of find a deep and abiding kind of American nationalism still in a lot of these budding Southern patriots, even by the 1850s, especially when they get scared about what secession might actually mean.
So I think the next generation are deeply patriotic after 911.
I want to write a book that said that, you know the greatest patriots in our history, have been those people that said to our government : "Hey, you have to live up to your word.