Here's another example, Beef Stew, you wouldn't necessarily expect to find sugar in beef stew but it's there.
We always have the traditional Sunday meal whether it's beef or chicken or lamb.
So you wouldn't eat something like beef stew and expect to find this to be the case.
There's no mention of chicken or beef, In Genesis 1:30, God says that the animals are being given the green plants, the grass and herbs, for food.
I have left out meat and fish, of course, neither of them very common in this part of the world, but meat was common enough, because there were sheep and there were goats, even when beef would have been very hard to get.
They're... Britain are known for the roast beef dinners
It says the price index contained this amount of beef, this amount of sheep wool, this amount of sole leather, and this amount of corn; that was the first consumer price index ever used for financial contracts.
How in the world could you know how much beef the United States consumes?
Just take a steak, for example, or you know, some nice piece of meat at a restaurant.
They want to know where it comes from, who grew it in some cases, how many miles it got transported, what was put on the food as it was being produced, what was given to the animals or injected into them as the beef was coming out, or the pork, or the chicken and these will be very interesting topics to discuss.