• So David, the theme of David as the elected king of God, David also as the ideal king, is something else that is a theme of these books.


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  • Up until this period, the early 1650s, Milton was a devoted contributor to the ideal Puritan notion of this government, and it was really the height of his political idealism.


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  • Because they represent dimensions of experience formerly excluded from the elevated, idealized discourse that is poetry, dimensions of experience excluded as prosaic.


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  • So this is, I think, a nice idealized version of American politics.


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  • She implies that she's the equal to any of the great poetic heroes that Milton so admires.


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  • I propose that we think of Milton at the opening of Lycidas as being stuck, stuck at a particular point in the imagined, the projected or fantasized, trajectory of his career.


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  • Nonetheless, I think it's safe to say you see a gradual decline in the cultural idealization of virginity and a corresponding increase in the valuation of marriage in this new form of chastity that we can think of as married chastity.


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  • And in conclusion he imagines giving up that terrific drive towards imagination and idealization and a return to the "rag and bone shop of the heart."


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  • The 430 years number is also something of an ideal number.


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  • Because alongside the idealized portrayal of the Israelite conquest in the first half of the book of Joshua, alongside the call for the destruction of all Canaanites, we find interesting tales of alliances and incorporation of various Canaanite groups.


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  • So the first half of the book of Joshua contains a streamlined, idealized account according to which the Israelites managed in a relatively short period to take the central hill country, confining the Philistines to a little strip here on the coastal plain. We will come to the Philistines in a minute.


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