We feel as we process the world around us that we know things for and as what they are.
and so I think I have a really personal story about that of why I think it's really important.
For Gadamer the important thing is that the meaning be true, right, and that's where the distinction essentially lies.
It's a persistent problem partly because it always raises these issues of fictionality versus truthfulness, of honesty versus embellishment.
At a very early age, Milton brooded on his poetic vocation as if it were an actual calling from God.
Maybe everything you're now experiencing is not real, but rather is the product of some other, perhaps malevolent, creature.
What's really going on is you're floating in the psychologist's tank in their lab with the electrodes hooked up your brain.
I wanted to show an example with real data that I computed and that's what's up on the screen.
Real refrigerators actually work with liquids that go into gases so use the latent heat of the liquid, so it doesn't really work like the Joule-Thomson expansion. So this is real.
The embroidery and decoration, all that now seems inauthentic, something that, in fact Yeats's audience had failed to value properly he's complaining here in this poem.
Then, if we inject it into people they'll be getting the real virus.
This is where God's presence is most vitally alive.
So let's actually write a program with this stuff.
They do, but they also have an allegiance to their families and to themselves, which, in Homer, tend to predominate,and yet there is a sense in which the conflict is very real.
people just can't be happy if they are living a life that is contrary to the type of person they are.
It's about exploring who you truly are and how you express that in flowing ways. So, yeah.
I should add that in some sense this is a phony Fibonacci straw-man Fibonacci.
Well let me put up some real numbers and we'll see about how much the correspondence to what we've got here.
Many journalizations get made about those websites but they weren't tested against the kind of base line of what the youth culture actually look like.
And many people rightfully so questioned the veracity, the value of these questionnaires, because it is subjective-- ? are we measuring something real?
And there's a real spatial sense here, that it's being generated at the base of the world, and it goes up and it transforms these mountains into papier-mache.
And just as there are innumerable human activities which require undistorted references if they are to be satisfied, so there are innumerable other human activities not less important which equally require distorted references or, more plainly, fictions.
He's not claiming--and he points this out to us-- that his explication is the true one. That's not his point at all.
But they had forgotten about the connection, to themselves and what was really true for them, and being themselves.
So again,we don't have any clear, true interpretation of the claim that nobody can take my place, even with regard to dying.
And finally, Barry Strauss says, "Ironically, the more Homer exaggerates, the more authentic he is as a representative of the Bronze Age."
Whether this dialogue is actual or internal, it doesn't really matter.
The study of scientific psychology has a lot of insights of real world relevance to real problems that we face in our everyday lives.
Are we the kind of reader who is interested in the real persons?