This momentary switch-off between the sun and the poet is just one of this poem's many substitutions.
which I worked at briefly, strangely enough.
RAM is this memory recall or, as you'll soon find in problems Set One, that's used for ephemeral purposes.
She lived in New York for a short time, but she was afflicted with lupus, a very serious illness, and she died at the age of 39 in 1964.
Well, this is interesting, cute fonts, but in point of fact they were short-lived.
It's a serendipitous and moving, momentary experience Yeats describes.
It is a condition for Hobbes of maximum insecurity where in his famous formula " "life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."
She quickly recovers from this brief lapse, a momentary lapse, into sensual reverie.
In fact, he was knocked unconscious only for a short period and then he got up and his friends surrounded him and asked, "Are you okay?"
He is of the same race as the gods, and at the same time his life is short and death is final, and death is bad.
There's the room of this life, and there's the room of the next life and people who have near-death experiences either temporarily were in the second room or else at least they were glancing into the second room.
What I'd like to do is really about three things in this brief time we have together.
But the message isn't that optimistic sort of that life is short, enjoy it. It's more that the past is no good to us and we can't rekindle the past.
Perhaps he should have said fortunately short.
So the point I'm suggesting is that many of Socrates' students and associates including Plato himself had some connection with this oligarchical government that had ruled Athens for a brief time.
After very brief exposures to people, people are very accurate at identifying them on "The Big Five."
We say that we have very very short lives, because after all right now I've got some memories that I didn't have 2 hours ago.
So, she lived a pretty short life.
Hobbes refers to the sovereign as a mortal god, as his answer to the problems of the state of nature, the state, the condition of life being solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.
It makes our life fragile, ephemeral, and as a result of that, more precious.
So, these two facts taken together, thin slices and the power of first impressions, means that just by a brief exposure to somebody it shapes so much of how you're going to think about them in the future.