So it's generally called distribution code and whereas for the previous problems that you pretty much started from scratch, blank files you opened up nano and there was nothing there unless you put it there.
If you don't move 10 yards in that... if you don't move the 10 yards in your four tries,
I can have functions with no parameters, that's fine, I will still need the open and close paren there to identify that I have no parameters.
This is what's written in what we'll generally call pseudocode.
Yeah, run the ball is called, when you run the ball, generally you only do it from 10 yards.
So I would choose something that have a wave lines off You wouldn't measure the dimension of a human hair with a yardstick, so I need something on this order.
So you have a long pitch which is 22 yards long.
You just need to express in ASCII character, one at a time, and these brave souls are simply going to spell something out for us to hammer home this point of binary.
Now, once you know each of those, you can now do 25 more upper case letters and 25 more lower case letters then there are some other stuff like punctuation and things you see on the keyboard.
And there are only two ways to move the ball in football and to gain yards.
to get a first down as it's called or second and third and fourth down.
> But if you actually do the math, those zeros and ones translate to an ASCII character which is D which is gonna be a 65, 66, 67, 68 would be the letter D.
> >> David: So yeah, not binary per se but ASCII, right?
In this case, it's a sequence of ASCII characters.
Pseudocode is kind of an English-like syntax that's just a useful way of expressing yourself fairly succinctly, fairly computer-like but without having to worry about stupid details like whether it's Java or C or whatever.
5 So similarly would there be the number 65 next to this then the corresponding number for V-I-D and then there's generally a special character at the end that looks like a zero that says end of string here.
And the thing we've seen thus far is called "ASCII."
And ASCII recalls the code that we talked about last week.
human text, ASCII text as input and output zeroes and ones that represent that program in a manner that the CPU, interesting, dammit, not installed on this computer.
Now ASCII involves characters.
You have four chances to move 10 yards,
I have connected to the course's central server from my own laptop and via dot slash chart am I about to run a little program that depicts as best we can with what with generally call ASCII art -- -- it's really all you can do in a terminal window like this -- our numbers from the past few years.