This is sort of a classic example of what economists and other people like them call the prisoner's dilemma.
So this is a very popular theory, believed by many famous economists today, and in the past.
On other, on other grounds You, a professional economist, do not bring your expertise to bear on this man in evaluating him?
I want to start with an article, which-- mention an article by Backus, Kydland, and Kehoe-- actually Backus, Kehoe, and Kydland, three economists.
For example, we've had economists visit, and when we do the class on economics I'll urge you to listen to that particular Podcast.
With I should say the possible exception of the economists who often will believe that economic motives and transactions provide the key to all possible human behaviors.
Now, this game, this game of imperfect competition between two firms competing in quantities, was thought up and studied by a French economist called Cournot almost a hundred years before Nash.
The figure you are quoting in New York times which came out of a report published by a French economist who lives in India John Kenneth. And the article was by Sangota, the New York Times editor.
John is a mathematical economist and we both love mathematics, but maybe John is going to do more of it than I am.
I think there's a bias towards optimism among business economists or among business people in general.
I called an economist at the BIS and said, can you please explain it to me?
Why? It's a good question, it's not something that economists seem to understand very well.
After all economists no longer read Adam Smith.
My graduate student came back and said, it seems to have been Sir John Hicks in London in his 1931--1939 book, A Value in Capital.
This is 1889, under the government of Otto von Bismarck-- although, he has nothing to do with this, it was other people--economists in Germany that invented this idea.
What happened was, Salinas was a Harvard-educated economist; he came in to modernize Mexico and he wanted to privatize things, so he privatized a lot of the banks.
If you doubt the importance of the study of political ideas for politics consider the works of a famous economist John Maynard Keynes : everyone's heard of him. Keynes wrote in 1935.
I'm not a development economist.
John Geanakoplos is actually Chief Economist for a large investment company called Ellington Capital in Greenwich, Connecticut, which you'll see a lot in the news.
That term was actually coined by economists, Prescott and Mehra; it's now in general use. That is, it just seems that stocks so much outperform other investments.
Welcome to Uncommon Knowledge, I'm Peter Robinson Joining me today, two colleagues of mine at the Hoover Institution Both are economists, Kenn Judd and John Taylor ... John Taylor also served for two and half, three years Four years Four years, essentially in the entire first term?
And even all the economists agree that most people will just do that and not spend it, There's a... -So you hear about the stimulus package and it neither enourages you nor outrages you You just shrug, and yawn and go on with your life. -Yea.
A thousand economists, from leading universities across the country sign a public appeal to congressman and president, not to pass this bill, that it would not do what they said it would do, it would not reduce unemployment, it would in fact lead to retaliation it would make it harder for Americans to sell goods to other countries.