And Born worked on a number of things, including the Born exponent, and taught himself crystallography sort of as something to do during World War I.
And that is how come he got involved in this, obviously this is talking about crystal formation.
And then, on the top of 3, we get another example: "In other words we've got to get on the ball, darling, what I'm saying, otherwise it'll be fluctuating and lack of true knowledge or crystallization of our plans."
As he puts it in the dedication of his most famous book, he writes that this book The Prince "is a product of long experience with modern things " and a continuous reading of the ancient ones."
I think I labeled this one two, 3 ionization I labeled three, 4 electron affinity I labeled four 5 and crystallization I labeled five.
And if you cool that it crystallizes in the form of salt.
And this reaction is what we call crystallization.