• Historically, it has not been pleasure or wit or beauty that has been associated with the experience of reading Milton.


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  • So I've seen it when it was bad, I've seen it when it was great, you know, I've played Little League here.


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  • God created a good world, But humans in the exercise of their moral autonomy, They have the power to corrupt the good.


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  • Those were magnificent days in which there was a kind of a high-quality relation between student and fac.


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  • They go above and beyond to craft a beautiful experience in their store and they have to compromise to accept credit cards.


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  • People somehow got the idea that Los Angeles is just this wonderful city and so they started bidding up real estate prices.


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  • They say, "Yeah, yeah the Greeks were terrific, they achieved wonderful things, they were a miracle, the golden age, and all that.


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  • So anyway, have a wonderful weekend with your parents here, and I will see you next week.


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  • If you say today, "Ok, is all the good stuff in the days gone by?"


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  • This is wonderful to see,wonderful to be here, whether it's Harvard,whether it's America-- a real privilege.


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  • And as I mentioned earlier then, death is so horrible and life is so wonderful that it could never make sense to throw it away.


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  • He said:The good, lasting stuff comes out of one's individual imagination, and sensitivity to, and comprehension of, not out of the memory of one's own grief.


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  • Too much yesterday, we need more tomorrow.


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  • You wrote: I grew up believing that ours was a country that try to stand for good in the world and that upheld the fundamental values that bind us together as a nation.


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  • Especially on a day like this, a nice, hot, sunny day like this, the park's a lot busier.


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  • It's nice, though, only in that it will give us an opportunity to fill in the blank.


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  • Milton can't allow himself to embrace the wonderful fiction, : that beautiful fiction that had been espoused by the Elder Brother: the fantasy that virgins don't even die, that their bodies are simply reconstituted somehow as angelic spirits.


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  • And I loved the people. I received beautiful training and I was grateful, so.


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  • on the tube as well, it's really nice to kind of come down the escalator


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  • to get, you know, coffee shops. And everything is all around here as well.


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  • so I wanted to come here and have like a really good experience.


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  • and that we could make even better with all of these different perspectives


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  • Now, since we're being nerdy in this class, despite our attempts to go dating, we're being nerdy, let's actually be a little bit careful.


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  • But the nice part of the story is, it turns out they're both right.


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  • Absolutely, what you were describing is this western romantic ideal of nature of wilderness as being the beautiful sunset, the gorgeous view, the beautiful day.


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  • And the drama of human life should revolve not around the search for eternal life but around the moral conflict and tension between a good god's design for creation and the free will of human beings that can corrupt that good design.


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  • How good it is to be alive is a matter of adding up all of the-- call it the contents of life.


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  • This class is not about providing answers, concerning the good life and happiness.


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  • She says, just stay with me and I--you will live forever and all will be well and he says, well, you're a very beautiful girl and I enjoy you a lot, but I got to go back to Ithaca.


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  • But we've expanded the list of goods so it includes external goods and not only experiential or internal goods.


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