Both Guillory and Angus Fletcher are examining the troubled relation of Milton to one of his favorite poets.
And all of the physicists like Richard Feynman. Linus Pauling, he's another one.
Now we don't have to be overly concerned here with what I take to be Chudleigh's generous oversight of Milton's generally sexist bias.
It also includes a little bit further down the page of review and essay by Valerie Larbeau on a new novel by James Joyce called Ulysses.
And to illustrate one of the studies, I'll tell you about a study that I did with Valerie Kuhlmeier and Karen Wynn.
For 6 years,I was a resident tutor in Leverett House when I was a graduate student and then I also started to teach.
And then we have a great war for weeks and it's all Eli Whitney.
By the same token, there is the work of Roland Barthes and some of his contemporaries--Poulet, whom I mentioned, - Jean Starobinski and others-- that was called in the French press La Nouvelle Critique.
It's a piece by Maurice Ravel called Bolero.
At the moment we have been assigned four TAs, though looking around we won't need four TAs, but at the moment we have Da-Ihn Yoo, we have Michael Verriman, we have Andrey Ivanov, and we have Brian Reilly.
Before you go, that's Barry Nalebuff at the back, he has copies of the book, it's a great book, go buy it from him.
I could actually send an SMS message from Cingular to Verizon.
This is Pieter Claesz, C-L-A-E-S-Z, probably mispronounced.
Then you have history of Lenox Avenue, Malcolm X Boulevard, which is a part of Harlem.
So as a very "grave author" - and this is what Chudleigh is implying -- Milton can tell us something potentially true about the priority of the sexes.
He's the very voice of traditional wisdom for some, as he was for Lady Mary Chudleigh.
We also learned from Ravel's Bolero that nobody actually plays the beat-- that's too basic but our mind, hearing all of these complex rhythms, extrapolates the beat from this complexity.
So Milton for Astell is hardly the embodiment of orthodoxy that he is for Lady Mary Chudleigh.
Remember we were just demonstrating, listening to the Ravel Bolero.
Theodicy is the term coined by the eighteenth-century philosopher Leibniz, and he applied this term theodicy to just that kind of philosophical sentiment that's implied by its etymology.
Like Lady Mary Chudleigh, Woolf holds up Milton as a powerful authority.
And what struck me most about conversations that I had, either in Leverett or other houses, were students is their sense of mission,your sense of mission, your desire to do good, to make the world a better place.
One is the chapter on Comus in a book by John Guillory called Poetic Authority, and the other is the entire book by Angus Fletcher on Milton's Comus, titled The Transcendental Mask.
London, already by the late sixteenth century, one-sixth of all the people, I think this is E.A. Wrigley who pointed this out a long time ago--one-sixth of all the people in England went to London frequently, because London was absolutely gigantic as a city.
Now it has to be said that Mary Astell's image of Milton is probably the product of a much closer reading of Paradise Lost than Lady Mary Chudleigh's was.
Then around one thousand in northern Italy, an enterprising fellow named Guido of Arezzo came along and said, "Well, you know what?
Go into Grove Street Cemetery some go visit his grave and say, "It's not your fault Eli."