But the winning candidate is him so he gets no disutility from the winning candidate being someone else.
If she drops out, Jean wins for sure, So the expected distance away from her of the winning candidate is two away.
The winner is going to be farther away from her.
And we'll assume that the amount of disutility you get from being far away from the winner is 1/17th of the distance, each of these, each place is worth 1/17th of a $1.
So one way to think about it is, is the expected distance from her of the winning candidates, is: with probability of a half it's herself so that's nothing, No distance, and with probability of a half it's two places away.
So again, if you're at X and the winner is at Y, it hurts you minus the distance between X and Y, in terms of your unhappiness, about having a winner who's far away from you, winning.