This is what Levi-Strauss says in taken from one of Levi-Strauss' most famous books] The Raw and the Cooked.
I remember in high school, we saw a famous actress on the sidewalk, and we were very excited.
He had just come from writing the music for a number of masks by the celebrated playwright and mask-writer Ben Johnson.
So this is a classic game, perhaps it's one of the most famous games, and therefore worth studying in the class.
One of the greatest of these writers was James Henry Hammond, a South Carolina planter who had plenty of mixed-race children.
The speech of Socrates before the jury is perhaps the most famous attempt to put democracy itself on trial.
But before I tell you about lab experiments let me tell you about the most famous field experiment on this idea.
Part of the resonance and power of that famous refrain, "a terrible beauty is born," is that this beauty is being born not only in the world but in Yeats's poetry.
And there are actually multiple versions of some of The plays. And perhaps the most famous of all lines From one of the plays is from Hamlet.
Modigliani and Miller wrote a famous article arguing that-- what I just said--I just tried to say it in very intuitive terms.
Pages and pages of them, so no one expects you to know all those identities, but there are a few popular ones we will use.
Barth wrote a famous essay just the year before these stories came out all in one volume. They had been written over a series of years, got a lot of exposure--called "The Literature of Exhaustion."
So what? A very fat, remember? And famous for his commercials on television.
You are an educator, as Dean of one of the most distinguished schools of Public And International Affairs, and one of the prominent universities in America or in the world, what is your sense of the students that you teach and train?
But it was until at least the eighteenth or nineteenth century the most famous democracy that ever existed.
Who but Milton could speak the poem's famous opening lines?
A famous mathematician once said "Every question must have a correct answer " for every question one answer."
One is the insufficient justification effect, which is so famous it had a cartoon based on it.
He's one of the most famous scholars ever but he's not known for any single discovery.
Women went to work, most famously in the Lowell factories in Massachusetts and in other places.
Famous famous English philosopher died a number of years ago in the late 1990s.
This is the most famous bell-shaped curve, but there are other ones with different mathematics.
Let's move on. Neither of these critics -neither Fish nor Hartman discusses one of the most celebrated aspects of this last simile that we've looked at, and I have a little hunch that there's a reason for their neglect.
And the fact that relations in the state of nature it's synonymous with making it a condition of war, of "all against all," in his famous formulation.
He grew up in the waning years, the last years, of the Elizabethan era, and he was a boy when Shakespeare's most famous plays were first performed.
Now, there is one other celebrated formula that goes with this.
I won't sing for you or give you my Italian, but these famous lines, "London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down" and so on, these come from the conclusion to The Waste Land.
And stimulus generalization is the topic of one of your articles in The Norton Reader, the one by Watson, John Watson, the famous behaviorist, who reported a bizarre experiment with a baby known as Little Albert.
He also mentioned a poemby Rudyard Kipling called If. I didn't recognize what he was referring to immediately but I looked it up and it's a famous poem that you must have seen written in 1910 an inspirational poem.