• Many kinds of molecules make up your coffee There are the water molecules, the flavor molecules the milk proteins, etcetera.


    麻省理工公开课 - 热力学与动力学课程节选

  • There are proteins, for example, on the surface of some cells that bind insulin and respond to the presence of insulin.


    耶鲁公开课 - 生物医学工程探索课程节选

  • And so if one is looking to keep protein at a certain level, then these sort of foods would get favored.

    但还不是全部 而如果要使体内蛋白维持在某种水平上,那这些食物会比较受青睐

    耶鲁公开课 - 关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选

  • So, that is just a quick example for some of you, you might be very familiar with ion channels, others might not know what these are, so I'll just tell you quite briefly that ion channels are these very massive transmembrane proteins.


    麻省理工公开课 - 化学原理课程节选

  • So, their diet is a little bit of that-- some of their protein from that, then bread, olive oil, fruit, vegetables, cheese, milk, those kinds of things they can do.


    耶鲁公开课 - 古希腊历史简介课程节选

  • Kinases can, in many cases, serve as a mechanism for switching a protein on or switching a protein off.


    耶鲁公开课 - 生物医学工程探索课程节选

  • So if it's not a cell that's going through division you can't use a retrovirus to express the protein.


    耶鲁公开课 - 生物医学工程探索课程节选

  • What a kinase enzyme does is that it recognizes this protein, and for example, the tyrosine that's on the protein.


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  • It leads to expression of new genes, production of new proteins, and a change in a behavior of the cell.


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  • They're red because they contain a special protein called hemoglobin which is very concentrated inside the cell.


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  • In fact, fibroblasts, which I talked about before, are very good producers of collagen, they produce the collagen matrix within which they live.


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  • The regions that are necessary for describing what the protein is like are called exons, the regions that are not are called introns.


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  • You get cystic fibrosis because one protein that's made by your lung epithelium is not expressed properly.


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  • Maybe it got mutated and its making the wrong kinds of proteins; cancer cells often do that.


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  • Hormones can be proteins, endocrine hormones can be proteins, meaning they're large molecules that are usually fairly water soluble, or they can be steroids.


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  • They basically make many, many copies of their DNA and they make all of their viral proteins and they assemble into new viral units.


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  • They put a gene like the insulin gene in place of the milk protein, but behind the promoter that is used to produce milk proteins.


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  • Extracellular matrix in most tissues is abundant in collagen and other proteins like collagen.


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  • The collagen is excreted by cells themselves, so the matrix is made by cells.


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  • Now, you all know that we can make irreversible changes in proteins, you can denature them completely, that's what happens when you cook an egg for example.


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  • It's a protein that's produced by other cells in the body and when it's enriched in a certain area it stimulates more production of red blood cells.


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  • The one that's on the top here is called ligand-gated ion channel and an ion channel is a protein that sits in the surface of a cell.


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  • There's lots of these so called signaling proteins that have been identified now.


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  • Often the state of a protein depends on whether it's phosphorylated or not.


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  • It generates a kinase activity which leads to phosphorylation of the protein.


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  • To make insulin, for example, your cells of your pancreas have to be transcribing that gene, it has to be processed, has to be translated into the protein insulin.


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  • They do that because they can control the expression of genes.


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  • There are proteins that are responsible for receiving signals, chemical signals.


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  • Now that's going to be important when we talk about making human gene - making human proteins inside alternate hosts like bacteria, that they can't do all the things that your cells can do.


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  • In order for it to get inside the cells and go through them there have to be transporters which specifically allow glucose to pass into the cell and then out into our body.


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