And, in fact, since we're going to reuse this again and again during today's lecture, I'm going to put it over here and leave it sacrosanct for our further use.
But the introduction, "You shall be holy for I the Lord your God am holy"--being holy in imitation of God is emphasized repeatedly as the purpose of the laws in the Holiness Code especially.
It is something, as he stresses, that can be evoked by symbols, by poetic symbols, and this he intends to do in his poetry.
I wonder why they don't carry it further, but that's the thing they emphasized.
Now, there are a couple of ways that can go; one that was certainly important and again it's for something that Hanson emphasizes, is what he calls internal colonization.
But how we want to know does Aristotle reconcile his account of the term baseleia the king of overall with his earlier emphasis upon democratic deliberation and shared rule the citizen recall is one who takes turn ruling and being ruled in turn.
So Deuteronomy warns repeatedly: It is by no special virtue or merit that Israel was the one chosen.