I had the pleasure, I think, of first corresponding with you in the context of writing a sermon for the chapel.
taking a bus into Manhattan and going into the museum. And what I just recall is walking around like this.
Does anyone have that in their brain somewhere for ready use? I don't, in fact, so it's actually okay if you don't know all your common ions, if you missed that part.
In the Greek world we know -- I think I quoted something from hesiod that confirmed it.
I do remember.
I remember we took all these alumni around to look at all this stuff.
And I remember quite clearly thinking to myself as that happened-- the whole thing lasted only a few moments-- but I remember thinking quite clearly, " "I'm going to die."
And I remember I was holding this mug of coffee and I was pleading with her, trying to convince her to take me on as her student, and I was saying, "Judy, I'll get a lot done.
And people are saying,"Oh yes, I remember the time we went to the cafe,
And I remember I didn't know what FAO Schwarz was because I was too young,
我记得我都不知道FAO Schwarz是什么,因为我当时很小。
So how do you feel call to this, but how did you like to say, I remember when I told my parents I was going to seminary, So I think there is a similar identity.
So you know that x-rays are higher frequency than UV light, for example, that means it's also higher energy than UV light, and if you think back to our photoelectric effect experiments, do you remember what type of light we were usually using for those? Does anyone remember?