One of the things that came out and was firmly embodied into law with the advent of the SEC.
In other words, Plato is wrong. The poet is not a liar because he's not talking about anything that's verifiable or falsifiable.
Now if you look at my derivation here, there's one spot where I could have just stopped and proven my point without going through the whole thing.
The problem with being a public investment company is you have to file quarterly reports about all the things you've invested in.
The issue of vagueness is summarized in a more technical way by the philosopher Karl Popper who described--who introduced the term of falsifiability.
So we're throwing away all of the strategies less than 5/4 for Player I and bigger than 6/4 for Player I, which is 1? for Player I and similarly for Player II.
They were making risky investments but they weren't reporting them properly on the SEC forms, so people didn't know how risky Enron was.
There were precursors to this, but the SEC forces the difference between public and private securities and this is a very important distinction.
If you're a public company it means that you've gone through the procedures at the SEC to be approved as a public company.
It's not their choice--they might like to advertise -but they can't without running afoul of the SEC.
That's the crucial thing: if they're not willing, the use of the sign doesn't work, which confirms the idea that nothing can be changed simply by individual agency in and of itself.
It was organized by the SEC in 1973, but the SEC didn't want to do this job; they wanted it to be done privately.
But the problem is, when you make specific falsifiable predictions they don't always do that well.
If you are--this is a private investment company -let's think before we talk about hedge--think of -suppose you're a public investment company approved by the SEC.
I don't know if the word is approved but it's--you have to run it by the SEC and then you always have to give that up.
Well, we'll talk about that, but the point here is they can be false.
This is another example of off balance sheet accounting that was frustrating the rules of the SEC.
But the law--the SEC requires that they at least present the standard earnings definitions for all these things Now another--let me just mention off balance sheet accounting.
The SEC--you have to decide-- you hear about public companies and private companies.
They'll say,you're behaving like a public company and you're not public.
What Skinner--What Chomsky is raising here is the concern of unfalsifiablity.
The SEC and other regulators have to watch for this.
If you are a public company, the important thing is you have to do all of the disclosure that Louis Brandeis would have liked; you have to file regular forms with the SEC, disclosing information.
The idea of falsifiability is that what distinguishes science from non science is that scientific predictions make strong claims about the world and these claims are of a sort that they could be proven wrong.
It's falsifiable.
You could not sell a security without giving a prospectus to the potential buyers and the prospectus would be something approved by the SEC.
The idea, from the beginning at the SEC, was that insiders should not be allowed to trade on information that is not properly disclosed to the public.
If they couldn't be proven wrong, they're not interesting enough to be science.
One reason is these are interesting and falsifiable claims about child development.
Public securities are securities that the SEC will accept as suitable for the general public and private securities are securities that have not been vetted by the SEC for the general public.