• Many commentators have observed that The change in name accompanies a change in character, a change of essence in Israel.


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  • Dr. Samuel Johnson the greatest of all eighteenth-century literary critics is absolutely flabbergasted that Milton would have these brothers do something so stupid.


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  • I would suggest to you that the difference in your response and the critics is the difference that feminism in the '70s made.


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  • There are critics of Fannie and Freddie who say, the government guarantee doesn't sound right because why is the government guaranteeing a private company?


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  • I am pleased and honored to have as my guest Dean Anne-Marie Slaughter, a leading scholar of International Law and International Relations, author, commentator, educator.


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  • The critics of this point of view would say that's impossible and inconceivable.


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  • There are lots of things to be said against it, on the other hand, which I don't want to pause over now because I think a course of lectures on literary theory will inevitably show the ways in which paraphrase is inadequate to the task of rigorous interpretation.


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  • Okay. Famously, Dr. Johnson couldn't bear this poem, Lycidas - Dr. Johnson, the greatest of all literary critics of the eighteenth century.


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  • There's no other way to interpret these lines which, as you can imagine, critics simply pretend don't exist, ? because who can figure out what to say?


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  • When this book first came out, critics called her a lightweight.


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  • With a plot furnished by Homer, against a setting by Dante, and with characters motivated by Shakespeare, Ulysses is really not as difficult to comprehend as critics like to pretend."


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  • At times, we will play the historian, at times we will be literary critics.


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  • Let's move on. Neither of these critics -neither Fish nor Hartman discusses one of the most celebrated aspects of this last simile that we've looked at, and I have a little hunch that there's a reason for their neglect.


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  • This is an argument that's been developed really quite brilliantly by a great Milton critic, William Kerrigan.


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  • this is what I get paid to do and it's this type of signifying gap that compels us as literary critics to dive in and to begin to explore.


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  • That's been an argument that some commentators have made.


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  • At times we will be religious and cultural critics.


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  • The reviewer say that every American citizen should read.


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  • The other great critic of the Miltonic simile for my money takes a completely different tack, and that's Geoffrey Hartman who makes an argument that might even be thought to contradict Fish's argument, although actually Geoffrey Hartman wrote his piece first.


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  • Of course--and you know this to be the case from like any literary critic who ever tried to write an analysis of anything, Chudleigh has no choice but to nudge the lines that she's quoting out of context.


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  • It is really going to give you a whole packaged reading of Franny and Zooey.We have just the one day on this novel, and what I'm going to be doing for you is modeling the way literary critics use evidence to advance an argument.


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  • There has to be something more here than merely Johnson's massive blunder as a literary critic.


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  • We've got them on a rush to try to get the book out and they're thinking that we'll at least have copies to reviewers by June.


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  • Milton lends a special horror, I think, to this image of a blind Fury, and I hope you will agree with those critics -- I didn't make this up - who find embedded in these lines something like a figurative intimation of castration.


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  • So, there's a wonderful thirteenth-century commentator that says that God needed creatures who could choose to obey him, And therefore it was important for Adam and Eve to do what they did And to learn that they had the choice not to obey God so that their choice for God would become endowed with meaning.


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  • She becomes a critic.


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  • I don't think that the critics who see here an image of castration are just imagining it, because there is such a weird and such a persistent interest in the human body, and especially in the poet's body, throughout this poem - Milton's focus on the body, on the entire realm of the corporeal.


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  • So historians can and in fact have many times taken issue with a lot of Weber's historical claims. But he's invaluable, as the critic John Guillory has argued, for our purposes in the understanding of Milton and of a lot of the cultural business of the seventeenth century in general.


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