Like I said, basically it's just asking permission to do something or asking for somebody else to do something.
He seems less interested in actually praying for divine assistance than he is in chiding the muse for not having come to his aid sooner.
The goldsmith would accept that as part of an extension of the business as a goldsmith, especially if the gold was in the form of coins and people didn't care whether they got the same coins back.
You want to ask to use the restroom as politely and as softly as you can.
If You would deal thus with me, kill me rather, I beg You, and let me see no more of my wretchedness!"
If we integrate all these kinds of requests or this kind of consumer needs into one box, that should be a magic box. That is called Box Computing.
You don't have to petition the government to do something.
All I did was ask for memory.
I'm going to ask you to indulge me while I go back to the beginning and talk about some things that you know but I'm going to go through this pretty rapidly.
Or "Yes, actually I do mind" if you want to decline a permission.
It's a little bit more indirect, but it gets the same message across.
And it's a way to ask permission without being pushy or uncomfortable.
And so I asked again, and she said no.
JFK, when making the plea for equal rights, didn't produce an abstract philosophical argument but rather tried to invite his listeners who were white to engage in perspective taking.
They go to Corinth asking the Corinthians to please help us.
He says in The Bridge, he asks the bridge to lend a myth to God, and he suggests that this is something that every age must do because our names for God are always metaphors, poems, something imagined, acts of speech.
A "Would you" question is used to ask somebody else to do something.
Would you”问句用来请求他人做某事。
The blind poet calls on the Holy Spirit to assist him in the composition of the epic.
He went there and he made a plea that General Motors should cut its dividend that it pays to stockholders, which is a reasonable thing to do.
So when a request is entered into this box, we do all kinds of semantic analysis, behavioral analysis, intelligent interaction with the user than massive computing and figure out what the user really wants.
Well, it's actually asking for three things.
And the sun has to trundle across the sky, and they're pretty unhappy about this and they want relief from working And laboring at their assigned stations and so Marduk accedes to this demand.
However, it's more polite than a direct request.
Remember that you can change it slightly by saying "Would you mind" to ask permission a little bit softer.
记住,你可以通过轻微变形,用“Would you mind”更委婉地请求许可。
The poet is asking for help with the composition of the poem.
Of course there are many ways to ask somebody to do something.
The "would you please" pattern is a very polite, very kind and very soft way to ask somebody to do something.
would you please”句型是一种非常礼貌、友善以及委婉地请求他人做某事的方式。
So use the "would you please" pattern if you're asking for something in perhaps a potentially abrasive situation.
所以,当你在可能伤人感情的情况下请求别人做某事时,你可以使用“would you please”句型。
Let me“ is a good pattern to use in a sentence when you're asking for permission.
当你在请求允许时,“Let me”句型是一个非常有用的句型。