He began and ended his career as a decadent, I suppose a reader of Walter Pater and Oscar Wilde.
This lowly variety is not the kind of imagination I would like readers to use. What a crime!
The Washington Post surveyed its readership and discovered that ask people what they thought was the most significant causes of the shooting.
This doesn't happen, but at the same time it's a world of illusion in which the reader lives all too comfortably. Right?
Everyone agrees that what Milton is doing in the similes is educating the reader, the reader of this poem.
But then Machiavelli goes on to tell the reader that the exclusive subject of this book will be the new prince.
It's just fascinating as a reader and an interviewer to be taken into other communities.
The embroidery and decoration, all that now seems inauthentic, something that, in fact Yeats's audience had failed to value properly he's complaining here in this poem.
Plato wrote the dialogues as a kind of learning device, as a tool to help the reader get better at doing philosophy.
But what is really interesting is the author assumes that the reader hasn't taken 3.091.
So, this is Nabokov's beautiful evocation of how writer and reader meet at the summit of this misty mountain of the imagination.
The panting and happy reader, and there they spontaneously embrace and are linked forever if the book lasts forever.
Now I want to contrast that with what we see from Nabokov in this essay, Good Readers and Good Writers.
If the surprises are too great, then they induce overstrain and we throw away the book in frustration and despair.
We need to think that the actions in the story were in some way free and absolutely, perfectly undetermined.
Not only now, but, I think, on some level it has always struck some of its readers as ludicrous.
Milton makes a covenant with the reader. It's as if he's signing a contract because he's asking for credit here.
But there may be ways of being pulled up short, occasions for being pulled up short, that Gadamer thinks exceed the imaginative grasp of a reader.
It's so amazing it can be equally surprising the poem to the person who was writing it and to the reading it.
What should be established I think is an artistic, harmonious balance between the reader's mind and the author's mind.
The virtual work of the reader does not involve surprise, does not involve the violation of expectations.
It's also that knowledge that an educated, sort of belletristic reader of The Saturday Review of Literature would be very, very familiar with.
This is the realm of that mountain of imagination that I was showing you in the passage from Good Readers and Good Writers.
We don't even know where it is we're supposed to be looking from, and the choice between Fesole and Valdarno that Milton gives the reader is crucial here.
By the same token, if literature has effects, it must have effects on someone, and this gives rise to the equally interesting and vexing question, "What is a reader?"
There are at least two varieties of imagination in the reader's case, so let us see which of the two is the right one to use in reading a book.
Now readers of English literature talk about Milton very differently from the way they talk about other writers.
There is also the question of what kind of reader we are that this preface brings up and sort of puts in front of us.
And readers of Milton ever since have had to confront not just Milton's writing but this unspeakable sense of empowerment that underlies just about everything that Milton writes.
Censorship only comes into play once a text has actually been in circulation for a while, only after a number of readers have found a published text to pose a threat.