So we see that I've doubled the size of the vector but I've much more than doubled the number of calls.
So if I call, let's , let's set up s to be, I don't know, some big long list.
When you call a function, what actually happens is that function gets its own chunk of memory that's identical in size to the data type that it expects.
You have one rule invoking another rule and then you can get a sentence like "Fred thinks Barney likes Wilma."
max val I'm not going to call the other max val here, because we know what happens when I do that.
And the main one is, I get to just decide, how do I want to use this, and call it.
When I call this class definition, it calls init, init and I give it an x and a y value.
s1 It's a little square, it's going to be called s1 and that's what exists as of line two of this program, GetSting but now I've called get string.
Pardon? 17 million. Computers are fast, fortunately. Well, that's a lot of calls.
It implies that this algorithm is calling itself again and again, and again, and on each time the size of the problem I'm trying to sort is being divided by what?
- Well, just a moment ago, we did have -- -- and this time I'll use some chalk here -- a moment ago, we did have a picture depicting what was going on when you call the function.
Code is right here. And all it's doing is when I'm getting into the different places I'm simply printing out information about where I am. What I want you to see palindrome is notice what happened here.
And one of the ways you can make a program crash, intentionally or not, is to essentially use up too much memory or call too many functions and what happens is, bam, one hits the other and bad things happen.
If I haven't solved the problem, let me solve it, and store the answer away for later reference.
Actually it's not 40, I think these are, 75 alright. So the answer is 75 and the number of calls is 1.7 million.
foo You probably weren't calling foo ad nauseam here but segmentation fault refers to segments of memory colliding.
The even better news is that Fib instead of 25 calls, it was only 11 calls.
a I'm not, so come down here check palindrome that the two end points a and a are the same and call this again also.
And I would be able to simply bury away the details of how those other instances are created from how I want to use them by simply calling methods on the classes.
And that then let's me get to, basically, base this code. Having done that, height I simply call base with get float, I call height with get float, and do the rest of the work.
I'm much better having an exception get handled at the time of input than to let that prop -- that value rather propagate through a whole bunch of code until eventually it hits an error 17 calls later, and you have no clue where it came from.
Python So I'm using the Python try except to check whether or not the thing is in the memo or not.
You're calling functions, functions, functions, but you're allocating heap, heap, heap, heap memory for your words.
Right now it's empty, actually it's not quite empty, it has a pointer back to the class.
Every time I use it, I'm creating a new instance, that's a different thing inside of memory.
That's a good thing. And instead of 17 million calls, I have 1800 calls.
8 Here, it gets a maximum value of 48 and 85 calls.
9 it is. And it made a total of 13 calls.
Step 5, now this is an example of what we'll henceforth call a condition or a branch because it's sort of a fork in the road.
So I don't want them to have to call something with two arguments.