So in the end,the canon is a list of the winners in the historical debate to define orthodox Christianity.
There are winners and there are losers, and the more someone wins that means the more someone else will lose.
5 would have won. 25 would have been the closest, and what would they have won?
And the rules of justice are simply the laws set up by the winners of the game to protect and to promote their own interests.
Given the number of people in the room there may be multiple winners, I accept that possibility.
By the way, the winner's never picked up their winnings for that, so they still can.
So before we reveal who won, let's discuss this a little bit.
Now, I'm still not going to quite reveal yet who won.
So who's the winner here, which number would have won here?
Can we get a round of applause for our winners?
I am going to tell you today who won.
They must have done-- but they didn't win.
the winner is the person whose number is closest to 2/3 times the average The winner will win $5 minus the difference in pennies between her choice and that two-thirds of the average."
Now we've figured that out, we figured out who the winner is, and I know that all of you have been trying to see if you won, I'm going to leave you in suspense.
They're trying to win the game.
So given that we only have one five dollar bill does there have to be one unique winner, and if so, how is that determined if we have multiple people who are That's a good question. If there's multiple winners, we'll divide it but we'll make sure everyone has a positive winning.
We played a game at the very end last time, where each of you chose a number - all of you chose a number - and we said the winner was going to be the person who gets closest to two-thirds of the average in the class.