So it's not a continuum of energy that we can have, it's only these punctuated points of energy that are possible.
but I'm expected to speak in Chinese for, like, ten minutes on Wednesday for my midterm, so.
But if you look through your plate, and actually especially if you kind of look off to the side, hopefully you'll be able to see the individual lines of the spectrum.
There's one more piece that we'd like to get out of that, and that is-- you may have been wondering, what's with the funky stuttering here of three double-quotes in a row. All right? And that is a specification.
The one real objective of education is to leave a man in the condition of continually asking questions.
The 312 particles are held together in a nucleus by a force that involves the continuous exchange of meson-like particles called memo-ons.
If cells were actively proliferating, that is you had a population of cells that are actively proliferating, they would be going through continuous rounds of the cell cycle.
They actually have a continuum of strategies.
Okay, and we're just going to keep-- It'll be fine, and we're just going to keep going and once you get to the end one then we're going to repeat. Okay? Here we go.
I would have class maybe 8 to 9 hours like all in a row
He sees life as continually, always already mediated by language.
There's a steady cultural continuum, not evidence of destruction as we would expect for a big invasion.
So, if your dog gives you-- if your dog, I don't know, dances for an hour straight, that would be an interval thing.
We will probably have several days with one class each city".
Now it's not that Gadamer is insisting on absolute continuity.
That is another question we want to ask And I think about the five days of pure rain, where people were soggy at the first night and it only got worse.
So what I've said so far is, a particle moving in time from point to point can be represented by a graph, x versus t.
But it is in fact indicative of what's actually going on underneath the hood and for a forensic investigator to be honest and even problem set 5, it poses a potential wrinkle if those JPEGs, those photos we took are not contiguous back to back to back but are all over the place.
When you mix two chemicals together, it could be any number, there's an infinite number of possible numbers and that would be continuous.
We have instead what's called a probability density when we have continuous random variables.
So anyway, that's continuous, right?
The same thing with these cells here, as these cells undergo continual divisions, they're changing in ways that make them mature, that make them more like the mature cells of the nervous system, for example, if that's where they end up being but they're losing potential as they go through that differentiation process.
It's a double stranded circular piece of DNA, meaning that the 3', 5'ends that hang off are joined back together again to form a continuous loop.
You can see that as you fill up your periodic table, it's very clear. But also we'll tell you a pneumonic device to keep that in mind, so you always remember and get the orbital energy straight.
In the first spot, I'm going to store something that says, here's how far you have to jump to get to the next element.
That's different when you have continuous values-- you don't have P because it's always zero.
Well, we've got a skippy Beethoven music but here with Tchaikovsky he's coming down, just straight down, down consecutive intervals there for the most part.
So you have a continuum of possible choices.
In many ways you can look at most of our experiences, psychological effective experiences on a continuum, where some of them fall below the zero, the negative experiences or the painful experiences and the positive or the pleasurable experiences between the zero and the positive.