I was born with,genetically speaking, relatively high level of anxiety, inclination toward rumination, we'll talk about that later in the course.
If you can genetically engineer viruses like this and viruses have all those good properties as gene therapy vehicles that I described.
It is not simply a genetic endowment, nor is it simply the product of experience, " which Hobbes calls by the name "prudence."
Milton is inheriting here an enormously rich tradition of thought on this subject.
The genetic relatedness, from an evolutionary standpoint, affects how much you care for other people.
And in red is a hair cell marker that labels sensory hair cells and the yellow color is the composite color of the green and the red.
What I am frankly espousing here ' is what I have been calling "growing-tip statistics," taking my title from the fact that it is at the growing tip of a plant " that the greatest genetic action takes place."
The genetic code is said to be degenerate because I can read in one direction.
We learned about cognitive neuroscience using the study of face recognition as an important case study-- human differences, behavioral genetics, nature and nurture, sex and food.
So, its genetic material wouldn't be released and even if it was released, the genetic material is also cross-linked, and so it can't be transcribed and translated or replicated.
Now, I'm not introducing any genetic material at all so I don't have to worry about it replicating because there's no genetic material, all I do is deliver the particles.
More speculatively, there has been some fairly recent work studying the genetic basis of language, looking at the genes that are directly responsible for the capacity to learn and use language.
As shown in this cartoon here, again you don't need to know the details of this, but if you're interested in knowing what's the biological bases of the genetic code this is it.
The virus then can self-assemble, that is, you've made a lot of genetic material, you've made a lot of the structural pieces, there has to be some way that the virus can reassemble, repackage itself into active forms.
And in fact, you get his calculations by looking at genetic relatedness.
That creates a problem in the genetic code in that there's 64 possible sequences but there's only 20 some amino acids, so each amino acid can be specified by more than one codon.
If so, then it would show that that extra overlap in genes doesn't really matter And so, it would suggest a low role of heredity Are adopted children highly similar to ? their brothers and sisters?
But, also, there are genetic disorders, some falling under the rubric of what's known as "Specific language impairment," where children are born without the same ability as the rest of us to learn to speak.
HIV is a member of the family of viruses called retroviruses, and retroviruses all use RNA as their genetic material.
It's more complicated in making protein from an RNA strand and that complication is called the genetic code.
They enter the cell after recognizing, they fall apart inside the cell, they reproduce their DNA, or their genetic material using host mechanisms.
You know that some viruses use RNA as their genetic material and so their lifecycle is going to be slightly different than this.
This might be a polio virus, for example. The example I've given here is a virus that contains DNA as its genetic material.
例如 这个应该是,小儿麻痹症病毒,我曾在这里展示过,一种将DNA作为遗传物质的病毒
All of your cells have the same DNA, so the same genetic information, and yet cells in your brain, and cells in your heart, and cells in your kidney do very different things.
It breaks down into its component parts and I show two of those component parts here, one is the genetic material, in this case DNA, and the other is all the proteins that form the structure of the virus.
There might be these, what are called epigenetic differences that I mentioned changes in the structure around DNA, and those changes lead to differences in which fraction of the total genes in the chromosomes are being expressed by a particular cell.