Notably, on Monday, the Treasury Department, under Secretary Henry Paulson, announced a proposal for fundamental change in our financial markets.
So finance and capital markets and real estate and I will be doing corporate.
So this book, Fabozzi, et al.-- Fabozzi, Modigliani, Jones and Ferri-- is a very solid book about financial markets.
In this case, we have an example that even markets, human institutions as they are messed up right?
I want to consider the market for homes and the market for mortgages, which are the instruments that finance homes.
I think that we to motivate a lot of our regulation of financial markets by the kinds of errors that people make.
The other one is Economics 251, Financial Theory; this is Financial Markets, that one is Financial Theory.
In general, less volatile stocks have done better over time than more volatile stocks, which is somewhat inconsistent with the notion of efficient markets.
The Securities and Exchange Commission, from the beginning, had it as its mission to make financial markets work properly; that is a wonderful story.
The U.S. has been successful in financial markets and it's being imitated by lots of countries.
Anytime there's a risk that hits one person or one country the financial markets would spread it out over everybody and it gets very small.
The stock market crash in 1929 caused tremendous chaos in the financial markets.
used to be absolutely received economic wisdom that financial markets were efficient.
Financial markets similar to ours are being set up in many places.
We thought Financial Theory and financial Markets would be the two.
This is Economics 252, Financial Markets, and I'm Robert Shiller.
It doesn't say--The title of this course is Financial Markets.
I think they motivate a lot of what -I'm going to write a number of principles of behavioral finance down and just mention them briefly and then return to regulation.
Certain kinds of financial markets called "Prediction markets," which may, for example, predict the outcome of an election have been seen to be very accurate predictors, often better than pollsters can manage.
I think our financial markets are like that.
If we had perfect financial markets-- and this is intuitive-- and I don't know how obvious this is, it's obvious to me, but it's an intuitive point of great importance-- nobody would suffer alone.
That is what financial markets do.
A futures market has a prediction going out years into the future of what every financial variable will be doing, so you can see the future in a sense through the futures prices.
If you look at John Geanakoplos's course on Financial Theory, his mathematical concepts are central to his outline of the course; but this being a Financial Markets course, I'm dividing it up more in terms of markets and institutions.
Efficient markets" is a theory about-- well it came in about three decades ago, maybe it's closer to four decades ago-- it's a theory that financial markets work very well and incorporate information very well.
He is also a PhD candidate in Economics at Yale and he's been doing research on financial markets in developing countries.
If we look at the current situation we have in our financial market, how much of the responsibility would you lay at the feet of the accounting profession?
It emphasizes the long run performance of the stock market, but it's really a general treatise of financial markets.
The idea in this course is that by being a financial markets course, you have to know how the world works.
I think one of the most pervasive problems in the financial markets is investment with too short a time horizon.