And J.J. Balmer in 1885 playing with the numbers asociated with the lines there, you notice how the lines are colored?
I mean, it will wake us up in the morning. It will be the color of a beautiful bird.
Near the plowed fields curved and faded, and the few hogs nosing in the furrows looked like large spotted stones.
They're really quite remarkable. It's not unlike what the Turner Broadcasting Network does with old movies, colorizing them in order to make them more palatable to a modern audience.
They are linked together by four different colored segments indicated here not by colors now but by letters.
More than that, when he zapped other parts of the brain, people would claim to see colors.
It's sorting things based on the light frequencies, but it doesn't have the experience of seeing red.
The categories, the colors, very quickly start to make sense when you just start poking around.
What values does he embody? Grayness grayness that suggests the color of a land and a culture, the color of stone, of peasant clothes.
I don't know if you can see those colors much at all, sorry about that.
I mean, why are some stars this color and some stars that color?
Now in a stoplight, it only has three, one is tempted to say, variables plainly differing from each other: red, yellow and green we have two ways of thinking about the red light.
And that property could be color.
You spend time looking for the article and when you find it, there are two different colors.
And notice, by the way, when I typed it how print showed up in a different color?
Well, what we now call the black notes-- although historically keyboards could be either way-- you could have these added notes black or white and then these underneath would be black.
I really should have used a different color already.
you remember the color of the rose?
So I changed the colors here to show that these are 2 p orbitals with an opposite phase or an opposite sign.
select which location it's going to be set up in and I do it by color. Just,
I really like the bright colors and style of your dress. So beautiful!
The sky was just a little lighter blue than his suit, clear and even with only one cloud in it, a large, blinding white one with curls and a beard." Notice that image of the cloud, the blinding white cloud.
The word "yellow" in the second line of Tony the Tow Truck-- its denotation is that it is a certain color, the color that Tony's garage is painted.
So colours can be seen. Smells can't be seen, but of course, smells, you know, the smell of coffee can be sensed through the five senses.
If they all look the same to the baby, the baby will just continue to tune out, but if the red looks different the baby will perk up.
One is that there's four different colors and so you can see red, blue, yellow, green here - four different colors and that's all there are, there aren't more than four.
一是这些梯阶有四种不同颜色,你可以看到红 蓝 黄 绿,恰恰只有四种不同颜色,不多不少
What color is the boat?" "White."
These three lights with their respective colors just do positively mean these things.
So what I want to point out about them is that they're made up of two nodes, and what you can see is that nodes are shown in different colors here and those are different phases.
And then notice the structure, WHILE I got a keyword WHILE, there's that color identifying it, and in parentheses I have a test.