Our friend Schr?dinger told us that if you solve for the wave function, this is what the probability densities look like.
We can talk about the wave function squared, the probability density, or we can talk about the radial probability distribution.
You get these plots by taking the wave function times its complex conjugate and operating on that.
There's no classical analogy that explains oh, this is what you can kind of picture when you picture a wave function.
So we saw that our lowest, 1 0 0 our ground state wave function is 1, 0, 0.
So when you operate on the wave function, what you end up with is getting the binding energy of the electron, and the wave function back out.
But we can also think when we're talking about wave function squared, what we're really talking about is the probability density, right, the probability in some volume.
And the person we have to thank for actually giving us this more concrete way to think about what a wave function squared is is Max Born here.
The highest probability now is going to be along the x-axis, so that means we're going to have a positive wave function every place where x is positive.
And when we take the wave function and square it, that's going to be equal to the probability density of finding an electron at some point in your atom.
If we overlay what the actual molecular orbital is on top of it, what you see is that in the center you end up cancelling out the wave function entirely.
So, for example, if we were looking at the actual wave function, we would say that these parts here have a positive amplitude, and in here we have a negative amplitude.
Remember this is our bond axis here, and you can see there is this area where the wave function is equal to zero all along that plane, that's a nodal plane.
So, we're talking about wave functions and we know that means orbitals, but this is -- probably the better way to think about is the physical interpretation of the wave function.
We can't actually go ahead and derive this equation of the wave function squared, because no one ever derived it, it's just an interpretation, but it's an interpretation that works essentially perfectly.
Ever since this was first proposed, there has never been any observations that do not coincide with the idea, that did not match the fact that the probability density is equal to the wave function squared.
And first we discussed the fact that well, in terms of a classical analogy, we don't really have one for wave function, we can't really think of a way to picture wave function thinking in classical terms.
In contrast, if we're taking the wave function and describing it in terms of n, l, m sub l, and now also, the spin, what are we describing here?
So, first, if I point out when l equals 0, when we have an s orbital, what you see is that angular part of the wave function is equal to a constant.
But right now, what I want you to be thinking of a wave function as is just some representation of an electron.
And on Monday what we were discussing was the solution to the Schrodinger equation for the wave function.
It's going to be positive in terms of its wave function or in terms of its phase anywhere where y is positive.
psi I mentioned that we can also solve for psi here, which is the wave function, and we're running a little short on time,
so, remember we can break up the total wave function into the radial part and the angular part.
We're seeing that the wave function's adding together and giving us more wave function in the center here.
We also talked about well, what is that when we say wave function, what does that actually mean?
We talked about the wave function for a 2 s orbital, and also for a 3 s orbital.
psi1 0 0 We can call that psi 1, 0, 0, is how we write it as a wave function.
So again if we look at this in terms of its physical interpretation or probability density, what we need to do is square the wave function.
Again we can look at this in terms of thinking about a picture this way, in terms of drawing the wave function out on an axis.