"The tires are larger than you would find on a HUMVEE, so the ground pressure, which is really what matters, isn't all that much different from an up-armored HUMVEE,"
VOA: standard.2009.11.02
And what you'll find is that the maximum work out is obtain for a reversible path.
Regardless of what your interest is, you can find something that you like to do.
Anyway, if you go to your Periodic Table you will find that on the one side you can get what is called the enthalpy of atomization.
Well, if you're going to do that, you've got to be able to find what you're looking for in a page in two steps.
So, what you find with the s orbital, and this is general for all s orbitals is that all of your nodes end up being radial nodes.
The one theory made some investigations of earth spores, hoping to find-- what do you call that stuff that floats around and makes you sneeze? Pollen.
If the baby really sees it as different, the baby will look longer, and you could use that as a measure of what babies find different.
What do you find that significant?
Or in many kinds of gas refrigerators where you push a gas through a nozzle close to room temperature, what you find is that the gas coming out on the other side under lower pressure is cooler than the gas that went through on the other side.
So when you put together the race risk that was highest if-- you may remember in the Mexican-Americans, and with the gender risk, higher rates in women, you'd expect the rates to be especially high in Mexican-American women, and in fact, that's what you find.
For each q2 that you give me or that Player 2 chooses, I want to find out and draw what is Player 1's best response.
You have to find out what "pulls up" means in the same way that the adult reader of Pleasures of the Imagination has to find out what "plastic" means.
To find bloody events beautiful, what do you think about that?
If you find this argument convincing, what it's an argument for is the claim that even if souls do exist, they may not be the key to personal identity.
Because we find in that plane, when objects are left at what you think is at rest with no external agency acting on them, they all slide backwards towards the rear end of the plane.
and you want to find out what's happening next, and you know, that's enough.
You're not fishing through a whole chromosome in order to find what you want, but you're going to a cell that's already enriched in it.
There are always little details that they don't account for, and that's the loose thread that you can pull to make your own.) And so, what does he find when he goes in to this holy space?
Because as you'll soon find, when you're writing programs 0 that aren't just four lines long but are 40 or 400 which very quickly becomes easy, you'll find that even you the next morning have no idea what this code does for whatever reason, and just having some English comments is a huge boon to comprehension for yourself and others.
What do you find special about the field that you're working in?
And what you find out if you do these calculations, is that you have a negative 1 for your formal charge on nitrogen, you have a negative 2 for your formal charge on carbon, and you have a positive 2 for your formal charge on sulfur.
Tell me what you find on the shelf that sells for 20 cents a pound.
So the problem here, roughly, is given, a number of cities, and say the cost of traveling from city to city by airplane, what's the least cost round trip that you can find?
So if we consider lithium, potassium, and sodium, they're all together in the same group on the periodic table, knowing what we do about biology we can immediately think of sodium and potassium, or even just knowing what you know about table salt, for example, that these are two elements that we find, and particularly in the ion form in very high concentrations in our body.
if we have a very electronegative atom within a certain molecule, what you'll actually find is that it does affect how the molecule is going to take place or take part in different chemical or biological reactions.
Well, there's what I like to call the Eastern solution that you find in many an Eastern religion and philosophy that says that man is, in fact, nothing. He is dust.
I don't know what your major is; I don't know what you are going to do later so I picked the topics that all of us in physics find fascinating.
And basically, what that means is you can actually find an electron anywhere going away from the nucleus, a0 but you're most likely to find that you have the highest probability at a distance of a sub nought, or the Bohr radius.
You measure your temperature is a little up, you've got a fever, something's wrong, I better find out what that is' because temperature is a very highly controlled variable.