I said that Yeats looks on the modern with a sense of both horror and a fascination, a compulsion almost.
You can see him, in a sense Yeats, cooling the fire in the head of Aengus at this moment.
Yeats bridges Irish and English cultures, and he is importantly Protestant with social and family ties to English life.
Yeats develops this idea or develops another version of it in a somewhat earlier poem that's interesting in relation to this one.
Here, this destruction brings forth a new order, a new form of life that Yeats calls "terrible beauty."
Yeats is, in fact, a far less nostalgic thinker than either Eliot or Pound, at least as I understand them.
It's only what it means to write a poetry of passion that Yeats is now beginning to rethink.
Yeats insists that the heart is an organ of the body, and located in it. This is important.
In fact, Yeats sees his poems as a kind of summoning of spirits or evocation of spirits, as he refers to it.
Last time I talked just briefly about Yeats's interest in automatic writing, a practice that he engaged in with his wife.
Notice how very casual Yeats is in that second strophe, how self-consciously fantastic and speculative he is.
In "Easter, 1916" I talked about Yeats's partial, complicated identification with the suffering martyrs of that poem.
You could go to Yeats's poem "Adam's Curse" to see the poet talking about this aesthetic ideal.
Yeats represents that moment of consummation as the plucking of the silver and the gold apples.
Yeats takes on self-consciously staged identities, requiring costumes, and he sees other people in similarly theatrical and mythic terms.
You can look at it with those poems in mind where Yeats imagines a new world coming into being, ushered in through the blood of the old.
Notice here how Yeats images what is at the core of Christ's birth.
Finally, he destroys his harp, in the scene represented by Yeats's father's portrait.
And in fact today, right now, we're going to move back the furthest we go, all the way into the nineteenth century to talk about the early Yeats.
I think it's possible to see that "they" as the sort of general forces of modernity, of everything at odds with the aristocratic culture Yeats and these women shared, inhabited.
Yeats is obviously writing in the context of an Irish civil war, but it's also the case that he's writing in the shadow of the First World War as well.
Part of the resonance and power of that famous refrain, "a terrible beauty is born," is that this beauty is being born not only in the world but in Yeats's poetry.
And the poetry that he stands for the fisherman stands for like all of Yeats's poetry is a poetry again of symbols.
The answer that Yeats is giving here is different from saying either "yes" or "no" to that question.
So this is a kind of model for the late Yeats in poetry the voice of the angry and wild slum woman.
Truth is something to be embodied in Yeats, embodied rather than known; embodied in the sense of lived, not merely understood but experienced.
And the bestial is identified in Yeats with the heart and with the irrational and with the uncontrollable.
The frightening experience that Yeats evokes here is the imposition of the divine on the human.
Does it represent Yeats's own early cultural nationalism and the work represented in The Wind Among the Reeds and other early poems?
At that point Yeats was--1894, Yeats is 29, and the two women were slightly younger.