Just while you're reading that over, can I also make sure you've all got your legal forms and you're going to sign.
I heard that The Bachelor is also popular. Can you tell us what it's like?
I do try to start a few minutes late, but I also have to finish a few minutes early so you can go to your next class.
So I'm hoping you can read that, and it's also in your handout.
Then it's sort of...you can get out of hand I think India so far is leaning also towards bringing down barriers and opening their sight of economy as well.
You can also get away, as I said last time, with just putting parentheses in JavaScript and PHP, this is, in fact, the norm.
So, I mean, you can also get like grilled cheese sandwiches,
As I mentioned, you can also use "I wish" when you express something that you do not want to have happen.
就像我之前提到的,当你想说明你不希望发生的事情时,你也可以用“I wish”。
Now, what I can also tell you about Mike.
You can also use the "I didn't" pattern to express that the result was not the same as your intentions.
你也可以用“I didn't”句型来表达事情的结果并不是你的本意。
Like I mentioned, you can also use "I want to" to ask if you may do something indirectly.
就像我之前说的,你可以用“I want to”句型间接地询问你是否可以做某些事。
Also, this is a slight variation on the "I need" pattern. You can say "all I need is".
同样的,“I need”句型也会有些小的变形。你可以说“all I need is”。
I'd like is also very useful. You can use "I'd like" to ask for something.
'd like 也是非常有用的句型。你可以用它来表达你想要一些东西。
You can also use the "I want to" when you're asking basically if you can do something.
当你想询问你是否可以做某事时,你可以用“I want to”句型。