Last year I was virtually ready to drop it and then, I kid you not,that very afternoon,I came across a quote.
so it's... pretty near finals. So you can drop any classes you want up until the drop date with like no penalty.
So you should drop the homework before you come into class, rather than furiously work on it during class, and the solutions will be posted the same afternoon.
Because it's a gel electricity is going to move through the gel because there are ions in it the same way - for the same reason you don't drop an electrical device into the bathtub because charge moves through water that has ions in it.
I would be grateful if you would wait until that point if at all you possibly can. It just makes the whole thing work a little easier and it prevents that drop in the pit of my stomach when I see half of the class leave.
If the stereotype is "your group doesn't do good in this," if I remind you that you're a member of that group immediately before doing it, your performance will drop.
When you drop the "W" As later greek dialects did, it becomes Anax.
If you drop the arrow, it's the usual convention, if you're talking about the length of the vector A.
如果你把箭头去掉,就表示矢量 A 的模长,这是约定俗成的