You can go ahead and use that equation, or you could figure it out every time, because if you know the total number of nodes, and you know the angular node number, then you know how many nodes you're going to have left.
To figure out even what this thing is, let alone how to use it properly. So, you know, I'm sympathetic.
Like how can you possibly figure that out with actually compelling a machine to do it for you and sure enough we chatted for a few moments, I kind of gently pointed out well it's kind of like problem 7 last year.
Now remember, we went through before how it's a state function but to calculate it, you'd need to find a reversible path, along which you can figure this out.
And sometimes it's a matter of factors that you need to figure out what it is, and maybe it's that there's extra light in the room we don't know about.
How hard did you find it to figure out what food it was to begin with?
or something; but, nobody ever does that, they all watch it in the privacy of their rooms or you can go watch it--we'll figure it out; but, it's a really wonderful movie.
Because we obviously can't, in any course, or even any set of courses, tell you everything you'll ever want to know in life we've seeded some things in this program that will be unfamiliar, so during the time you're studying the program, get online, look it up, figure out what they do.
So in fact, what we learned from that is, it doesn't just matter what your payoffs are that's obviously important -- it's also important what other people's payoffs are, because you want to try and figure out what they're going to do and then respond appropriately.
You don't even have to see the score. You can figure it out.
And in so far as it is possible for me, to try to preempt what that impact or effect might be in the sense of trying to figure out whether or not it will have an impact on you and what it might be.
You can't stick your bad paper to the banker who knows everybody in the town; he'll figure it out and that's the -and so that's the problem that's solved by bankers.
You might not want to know all of it and that's a really complicated question for an individual to figure out and a complicated question for society to figure out, what you want to make of available in the regard.
and you can't figure it out yet you've gone to doctors they don't know why either.
I'm not going to tell you who that is, but I want you to figure it out. Okay?
That's not a scientific term but the same psychologists were interested in studying how quickly you can-- if at all how long does it take to figure out somebody's sexual orientation?
It's sometimes hard to figure out what you want to do,
And you can't figure out who it is.
Figure out how you can make it move a little to the left, a little to the right, up and down and then repeat in some kind of looping structure.
What I want this class to be is a class where at least sometimes, like on this homework assignment, I set up a model for you, set up the story for you, and then you have to actually figure out how do I set this up properly and how do I solve it out?
And in particular, I'm going to cheat slightly I'm going to use a little bit of abusive mathematics, but I'm going to show you a trick to figure it out.
It's pretty easy to figure out, you have to know about your own payoffs.
See if you can figure it out.
End up where you started. It's not quite the same as the shortest path, and figure out the way to do that that involves spending the least money. Or the least time, or something else.
You can talk to each other if you don't, can't figure it out.
And here's a little trick -- and again, we promised to point -- out little tricks of the trade -- if I know I want to execute the last command I typed that started with an m, bangm will actually figure out what that command was and redo it for me so I don't have to figure it out, or you can go back in time in a terminal window.
One is the processing has already been done so the introns are already out, so you don't have to figure out what's exon and what's the intron, it's already done for you.
But the TAs will expect you to have at least tried to figure it out yourself. Yeah?
hey'd rather single step it through using Idol or something, than just read it and try and figure things out. The most important thing to remember when you're doing all of this is to be systematic.
It's a good idea to try and figure out what your goals are-- what you're trying to achieve-- before you go ahead and analyze the game.