You never even had a small doubt that once his word was given, and a course of action decided, he would honor the letter and the spirit of the agreement."
VOA: special.2009.09.13
To put it differently, in order to know what "Dogs" means, you never had to learn the word "Dogs."
I'll bet you never heard of Tellus of Athens, neither had Croesus, neither had anybody else outside of Athens.
You might say, this should have been obvious to someone, but it had never been written up well before.
How would it strike you if you knew nothing about it, if you had never heard of it before, if you open up the covers of this book for the first time?
Now you do have an opportunity-- this class does- that my class has never had before, and that is to nominate your own novel for the last one that we read, one of your choice.
You can imagine somebody who says, "Look, it would be better never to have had the taste at all " than to have the taste and then not be allowed to have the entire meal."
Reopen no old wounds. Be as if you had never returned and looked in to me to see my laboring humilities, my few scrubbed pennies, hungry to grab, quick to deprive, sullen, unloved, mean-minded son of my flesh. Son! Son!"