So,after taking into account the market impact, and the commissions,and the fees, this zero-sum game becomes a negative-sum game.
First of all, happiness is a positive sum game-- it's not a zero sum game.
We've already talked about how security selection is a zero-sum game.
In the language, if I can switch to the language of modern economics, one could say that for Thrasymachus politics is a zero-sum game.
It's not even a zero-- or rather if I have less, you'll have less- that's a negative sum game-- or a zero sum game-- if I have more, you'll have less- it's a fixed pie.
If security selection is a zero-sum game, the amount by which the winner wins equals the amount by which the loser loses -winners and losers being defined by performance after a security selection that has been made -well, that sounds like a zero-sum game.