So this is the percent error and what you see here is that if the number is below the zero line it means people underestimated the calories, and the bars that go above means people overestimated the calories.
So all of these programs or commands that we've been using thus far for the piece set in class, take what we call command line arguments, they are the zero or more words that follow the program's name.
So yes, it should be zero at zero, but I made the line too thick.
Just iterates from zero to Arg C. The indented line here print F is clearly printing a string, as per the percent S, but what is it printing?
If n is greater than zero, I decided I would say, "You picked a positive number, backslash n," so put the cursor on the next line, else if n was not less than zero, I say, "You picked a negative number, backslash n."