We have 266, as some of you might know who saw me counting ping-pong balls the other day in office hours.
And again, you don't teach an animal to play Ping-Pong by waiting for it to play Ping-Pong and then rewarding it.
So, it'll be considered a backscatter event if your ping-pong ball hits one of the nuclei.
All right. So, we'll come around and get ping-pong balls to the rest of you.
More recreational, Skinner was fond of teaching animals to play Ping-Pong.
PROFESSOR: So, as you're getting your ping-pong balls -- do not throw them yet.
We have 266 ping-pong balls, and we need someone, hopefully you, to be some radioactive material that are going to be emitting these ping-pong balls. And when the time comes, in just a minute, I'll ask the TAs to come down and hand these out very quickly to you, so we can do this experiment.