The story of the first human pair in the Garden of Eden, which is in Genesis 2 and 3 has clear affinities with the Epic of Gilgamesh, that's a Babylonian and Assyrian epic in which a hero embarks on this exhausting search for immortality.
Life in society what Adam and eve have to encounter now They now have to form villages,cities, start living among each other, and so on.
What's at stake, or what might be at stake in this connection between Milton's own postprandial groaning and moaning and the even more poignant post-lapsarian groaning of Adam and Eve and the entire earth?
Just as Enkidu gains wisdom and becomes like a god and loses his oneness with nature, so Adam and Eve after eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil are said to have become like gods and they also lose their harmonious relationship with nature.
The problem of memory is just as important to the psychological dynamics of the fall of Adam and Eve, but as we will see when we look at Book Four, surely it's the problem of the poet's memory that's the most troubling in Paradise Lost.