As a result of the Freedom Rides, they had integrated interstate transportation, at great cost to the volunteers who rode those buses.
and then the Transport for London issues them with a license in order to be able to trade as a minicab.
And then furthermore "ship" is also the opposite of certain things, so that it would also enter into a relationship with "train," "car," "truck," "mule," modes of transportation, right?
But, put it on a vehicle and keep that vehicle crash-worthy.
It has oil gas. It has transport potentials.
And after the war that policeman directed traffic at the market every Saturday, and the widow walked by and saw this man, knowing he had denounced her husband who had been taken away and killed.
You have to have a good public transportation system when you have as many people here as we do.
Neuropsychologists love when motorcyclists drive without helmets because through their horrible accidents we gain great insights into how the brain works.
We had civilizations-- Aztecs, Mayas, Incas, etc.-- but no wheeled vehicles.
All this, of course, was fuelled by I mentioned it already--a transportation revolution symbolized by the Erie Canal, finished in 1825, which remained profitable all the way out into the 1880s.
I was kind of skeptical because, you know, you just hear about how bad it is and how sketchy but,
They're already paying for public transport, so it's just kind of a financial expense they could do without.
And Transport for London are always telling people to not to use the minicab, illegal minicab drivers,
And believe me, make sure that your government does not cut your public sector in a downturn.
And this whole like, I mean the whole like traffic completely stopped when this guy got hit.
that your form of transportation is causing each day on your way to school or work.
They built roads, maintained some communication.
That was the natural thing to do given the character of life, which was based upon farming, if you leave you lose your farm, and based upon the difficulty of transportation.
We'll give a name to that transport cost.
Notice that these transport costs go up in the distance you have to travel and they go up pretty fast.
But they know that we need the transportation and that we will pay for it, so there you go.
So in June of this year, they made massive cuts on the mass transit, huge cuts.
Well, it apparently is not so obvious because in the Americas, before Columbus came-- " pre-Columbian America-- there were no wheeled vehicles anywhere.
Steamboats became the romantic symbol of this great transportation revolution and all of this movement.
But now notice that this transport cost is going to be a different interpretation.
If language can refer to just about everything from English to traffic signals, then we're not going to be able to find interesting generalizations or do good science about it.
Now in a stoplight, it only has three, one is tempted to say, variables plainly differing from each other: red, yellow and green we have two ways of thinking about the red light.
My son,when he was in Seconde, which is the first year of French high school, they were out blocking traffic until some angry driver rolled over the foot of a protestor and then everybody kind of went off and ate pizza.
But they have really had a big scaling down of the mass transit system this year.