And so, each hydrogen has access to each electron, and now we have a satisfied system.
The "parable of the talents" rewards hard work and investment; and it's satisfying because it does that, but it also instills an anxiety about non-productivity.
So if you are in exile, then perhaps a more satisfying ending is to have Israel not in fact entering the land.
Now, you might say that's an unsatisfying, unconvincing answer, at least for those who don't believe in God.
Many of you will start out doing satisfactory work or, truth be told, less than satisfactory work.
A life, a fulfilling life, a rich life includes ups and downs, includes pain and getting up again, includes failure and getting up again.
We have not yet found a satisfactory answer to what's the mass of an object?
So, I think if we said we've got melody, we've got theme, we've got bass, we've got a bunch of other stuff in the middle, that's just fine and dandy.
And just as there are innumerable human activities which require undistorted references if they are to be satisfied, so there are innumerable other human activities not less important which equally require distorted references or, more plainly, fictions.
I don't have any very good answers for that and yet it is one part of the traditional explanation is this, and it's a very important one and much debated, that at a critical time in the battle one technique would be one side would give one great big shove.
C Yale says satisfactory means C.
A lot of us might feel that a life like this, where we peak but then we stick around-- ... you know, isn't-- can at least fail to be as desirable in which we end with a bang.
Of two pleasures, if there be one to which all or almost all who have experience of both give a decided preference, irrespective of any feeling of moral obligation to prefer it -- in other words, no outside, no independent standard -- then, that is the more desirable pleasure."
It's sort of a satisfactory job.