Now the intervention studies are stronger methods than the epidemiology studies but they're also more difficult studies to do.
Okay, so let's talk about the example of smallpox, which is one of the world's great successes in the battle against infectious diseases.
And so you can see the pneumonia, tuberculosis, the communicable diseases, infectious diseases, for the most part, are taking the most lives at that point.
It's literally global epidemic.
First of all, corpses and certain carcasses at are a source of ritual impurity: sara'at, which is this--we translate it "scale disease," it's been called leprosy. It's definitely not leprosy.
So the problem of infectious disease prevention and treatment isn't solved yet, you know this, right?
And so they're already very safe, very effective vaccines available for many infectious diseases.
What makes it so much better to be alive now in terms of your likelihood to die of an infectious disease than it did in London in 1665?
The epidemiology studies are what a lot of our information comes from.
If I happen to have some other infectious disease, then not only would you passing the protection to smallpox, but you'd be passing that disease among the population as well.
You're not only spreading the infection.
I'd like to give you examples of three of very famous epistudies on diet and health: The Framingham Heart Study, The Seven Country Study, and The Nurses' Health Study, and then we'll talk about some of the overall results from these sort of things.
So in a town that's the size of new Haven with a population of let's say 100,000 people in just the immediate New Haven area, there might be 20 of these instances of very severe form of polio per year, 20 crippled children would result.
It's an infectious disease; it is spread by--through the air.
But people died typically of either infectious diseases or they died during childbirth, or they might have died at old age which would have been 50 or so at that time.