Ephesians was written by a different disciple of Paul, and he was using as his model for a Pauline letter the actual letters of Paul, or at least some of them that he possessed and knew of.
We know very well, by the way, that there are scientists who simply cannot stand to read poetry because it's false, right?
And if this myth of origins were the fabrication of a later writer, then surely they would have written the story in such a way as to give their ancestors a less tenuous hold or claim, connection, to the land.
So Paul's letters were being imitated, new ones were being written,and they were being circulated.
You don't publish results that you've faked.
And what an agonist does is increases the effect of neurotransmitters, either by making more neurotransmitters or stopping the cleanup of neurotransmitters, or in some cases by faking a neurotransmitter, by mimicking its effects.
So notice this guy, another guy sort of forging another letter by Paul.
Just as Richards says, there's always something kind of archaic or atavistic about poetic thinking. It's not just that - it's not trying to tell the truth, as Sidney said-- "nothing lieth because it never affirmeth."