If Coke is the low price it sells this amount and its profits are basically given by this equation.
Then they should be pricing whatever they're selling at a lower price
And we find there's lots of consumer surplus because the prices are really as low as they ever could be.
The incentive for cheaper services are very strong, and in that sense, of course people will get hurt and there will be objections.
You're able to get bigger and bigger displays at cheaper and cheaper prices.
So there's a panic in the market for securitized mortgages - and the price is often very low or if it's they're very hard to market and hard to sell.
The CDC can buy this from the manufacturer for a lower price, and when you hear about government organizations distributing vaccines to different parts of the world, they're buying at a reduced rate but it's still not inexpensive.
That if people thought that the stock was underpriced well people would buy more of it in the price would have risen already.
And the telephone companies in the United State, generally about 200 billion dollars a year carrying long distance telephone conversations and they thought this conversations might be carried for free over the internet was quite shocking to them. Of course free is very low price, and they are not like it to be free.
So if Pepsi is the low price drink in the market then no Coke is sold at all.
If Pepsi is the low price then Coke sells nothing.
They would be lower than the monopoly prices, but higher than the perfect competitive prices.
As small an amount below his price as you can do.
All right, so if the other guy is pricing above costs, I want to set prices below his so that I steal the whole of the market and make profits on those sales.
And I'll say this and then write it more carefully, where P is the lower of the two prices.
So total quantity demand is 1 -P where P is the lower of the two prices.
So if Pepsi is dumb enough to price above monopoly, sure I will undercut Pepsi but I won't undercut Pepsi by a penny, I'll undercut Pepsi all the way down to the monopoly price and make monopoly profits.
If a company--if its stock sells for less than its assets are worth then the company maybe should be broken up and the assets taken and given somewhere else because the low stock price indicates a problem.
So basically what I'm going to do here is I'm going to set my price to equal his price, minus a little bit, I'll just undercut him a little bit and by just undercutting him a little bit, I'm going to get the whole of the market and I'll make as much money as I can on those sales.
So if P1 is less than P2--so if they're the low price firm-- if Coke is the low price firm, only Coke sells in the market.
Well it's going to 1 -P1 if they're the low price firm.
So basically the idea is that the more these firms produce, so the more the total quantity produced q1 + q2, the lower is the price in the marketplace for this product.
核心思想就是两家企业生产得越多,即产量,q1 + q2,越大,该产品的市场价格就越低