Man, them white folks oughta catch you and send you to a zoo and keep you for the next war!"
I was neither at the hot gates Nor fought in the warm rain Nor knee deep in the salt marsh, heaving a cutlass, Bitten by flies, fought.
Probably, though, you wouldn't want to have the very youngest guys up front, because another thing you want is experience.
But there are many countries had put caviar on the troops so that it will help them do fighting.
There were professional kinds of armies and all of that.
So paideia referred to the education of the young man, - both mentally, but militarily-- so you were taught to fight--and culturally; you might be taught other things about culture.
Consider the following remarkable proposal at 468c, "and I add to the laws of war," Socrates writes, "that as long as they, the guardians, are on campaign, no one whom he wants to kiss should be permitted to refuse.
He fought brilliantly and bravely, and drove the enemy from the field, but in the course of the battle he himself was killed.
So the citizens had to do their own fighting and to decide when to fight.
On the other hand, guys who were engaged in a fight of the kind we must imagine get very angry; these guys killed a buddy next to you.
But again,I can't imagine how these guys fought in these circumstances.
It is the heroic ethic. At a certain place, I think a couple of places in the Iliad, Achilles tell's us, "Why did you come here to fight at Troy?"
And so when the northern alliane was fighting in Pashton.
Most Greek states, just as they never moved beyond the hoplite style of fighting, never go beyond the oligarchical style of constitution which gives only hoplites political rights in the state.
That's what you need for a phalanx, because to maintain the integrity of the hoplite line, you can't have bumps and grooves, and trees and rivers in the way; it will break things up.
You cannot imagine, it seems to me, in the world that Hesiod describes, Achilles or anybody else saying, "Well, you insulted me and so I'm not going to fight anymore for my polis."
Actually, later on at the end of the fourth century when Aristotle is writing his Politics, he makes really a very clear connection as to the style of fighting and the kind of constitution that you have.
So, Corinth really had a very great deal to say about what was going on So, when Potidaea got into trouble with Athens, and found itself Corinth sent a real army to go in there and fight, and I think that's because of this very special relationship that they had.
This is the war room, it's called,"salon de guerre" I don't like Versailles. What the hell.
这个是作战室,在法语里读作"salon de guerre",我不喜欢凡尔赛宫 什么玩意儿