Not entirely accurate about that either, from what we now know about the profitability of slavery and the profitability of the cotton crop.
So, you find another crop that will grow there that can be useful; that's the picture.
It's interesting how humans and plants have evolved together, and there's a very interesting book on this by Michael Pollan called, The Botany of Desire.
Everything is farmed in a new way and let me just give you a picture of what this new farm that Hanson describes is like.
Once they have it, and they plant permanent crops, that changes the whole basis of society and the values, and the attitudes that go with it.
A lot of it can't produce the crop you would most like to grow.
So, we have evidence that the king doled out seed for planting, instructed people just exactly when to plant, where to plant, what to plant there, when to fertilize it if they did.
So, you have varied crops, among them.
Have we left out any other crops?
The biodiversity has shrunk for various reasons of profitability and as a consequence of that things like corn crops, and the orange crops in Florida are particularly susceptible to certain environmental conditions, certain pests, and certain types of blight.
Corinth always needs that kind of stuff, so we sell you our wheat, you sell us your pottery, you sell us good wine that we can't grow yet and maybe never will be able to grow in our neighborhood, so on and so forth.