Even after the Israelites will settle in their own land, the life of the desert pastoralist remained a sort of romantic ideal for them.
When I was commuting between Limoges and Paris, that was still a long trip then, there was no TGV; it was about four hours.
And what this means is that common sense tells us that somebody can be the same person even if their body undergoes radical and profound changes.
It turns out even without the synergy this problem would be there.
But for all that, they're separate things.
How do you get there? You go to go here, here and these could be busy roads, and so parents don't want to do it because of safety reasons, so you see how--when the country used to be laid out in a grid, like say New York City still is today, then people walk to get to places.
And even more important, Lycidas will continue to sing in heaven just as he had sung on earth, except now he can hear the unexpressive - that means "inexpressible" -- nuptial song.